How do you make your Head and your Heart work together?

How do you make your Head and your Heart work together?
Great question comes from one of my Facebook friends. Here is my answer:

First, you must understand how they work separately. 

The nature of the mind is that it conceptualizes, organizes and compares information. It does this as best it can and says, “Here are the facts, here are both sides of the story.” It is about logic. To the mind, it simply must make sense. 

The heart on the other hand, is like a compass - its purpose is to guide the direction our lives should take. Our heart holds a bird's eye view on our life and says, “This is where you’re at and this is the direction you need to go.” It doesn't need to know the path, its main purpose is to see your final destination.

 If we compare our mind and heart to a courtroom, our mind would be the defendant and the plaintiff (both stories) and our heart would be justice or the judge (the right direction). The reason we’re so troubled by this conflict of head vs heart is that the mind is not only playing the prosecutor and the defense, but has take over the role of the judge as well. The mind should never be the judge. The mind's job is to compare and contrast. To sort things out and say “this is what I’ve got, here are some possibilities, do what you want with it.” But more often than not, our mind isn’t doing that. It is making and taking our choices.

I believe that the only reason our minds consistently overstep their boundaries, is simply because we have not yet clearly defined it's responsibilities and it's role within our person (our body). The mind is just like a computer. Once it understands it's task, it can and will become an extremely powerful tool in the attainment of your desires.

So, how do you make your heart and mind work together? Be aware of their distinct, yet natural obligations. Although, because this is something new, and for so long, we have been wrongly conditioned... we need to start by consciously monitoring and mediating their actions, until it becomes natural. Your mind is an outstanding tool, yet only a tool. Just like the hammer shouldn't control it's destination, your hand should.

Let your mind make sense of the steps to your heart's desires ;-)
(Please reread the previous line until you completely understand it. IT IS THE KEY!)

Manny - Thanks for Sharing this with your friends ;-)
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