The importants of relationships!

Here's something important. Relationships!

Make it a MUST to connect with a friend everyday. I truly believe that the quality of your life is directly related with the quality of your relationships. Nothing feels better then knowing you are well surrounded during those darker days. Fortunately for us, with todays technology, it has never been easier to connect with your friends, or create new ones. Take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule and send an email to someone you haven't connected with in sometime.
Remind them of the good old days, and how much you enjoyed their presence. Compliment their recent achievements, as little or big as they may be.

I may be insane and but guys, trust me on this one. Try it for 14 days.
Just that can easily make you feel like a million dollars!

Here's the task: Everyday, select a friend you haven't contacted in forever, and tell them how much they were appreciated, how much fun you had with them, some amazing things you can remember about this person, and congratulate them on at least one thing they have accomplished lately.

Today wasn't as productive as I would have liked, but still a successful day. It's great to have the opportunity to accomplish all your daily goals and everything on your to-do list, but an important question you should ask yourself before going to bed is, "What kind of a friend was I today (or parent, or lover, or boss, or neighbor, or human being)"

Being a great friend makes your day a success, no matter how much or how little you get accomplished.
Remember that ;-)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish you all a terrific week!

P.S. Because this blog is new, it would mean so much if you shared it with your friends and helped me spread the word. Thanks to all you insane people out there making life happen :-)
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