Updates with the HIV video!

YouTube Video can be watched here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DiBNL_4sis

I posted an HIV video on YouTube about 2 weeks ago, and YouTube featured it in it's top results. Therefore it got a lot of exposure for a good week. From that, I have been receiving emails after emails from folks going through a rough time with life.

Here is what I have to say:

To all you fighters out there,

No one will tell you how long you have to live, ever! You need to use this obstacle to your advantage. It's in times like these that people grow the most! All your life you have been faced with options, but your decisions have not had much impact on you nor have you placed much importance on them. Now, because of the weight of the situation, once you take/make a decision (of how you will handle the news) you will literally be propelled to your destination! No matter the results, you can give up on life early, cry and get depress (and to be honest, this is what most people do, simply because it's easier)... OR you can decide to start making the best out of everyday!

What if I told you that tomorrow was your last day alive... how would you live today? Your stories have all really touched me. Even though I feel many of you are weak now... somewhere inside, you have this unbelievable force. The same one that allows you to do the impossible for your children, or loved ones. That force is there... and you are allowed to use it on yourself. I feel it in my heart that you are all truly incredible people. I see folks everyday going through similar situations, and believe me when I say it's all a mind game. Grab control, because you can.

Remember that it's not and never will be about when you die (because that can happen anytime!)... it's about what you do everyday that counts. This is your opportunity to create as many special moments as possible. Your a magical human being, I can feel it! Do more magic, create more smiles! and even if you die tomorrow, you will leave the happiest person on Earth knowing you made the best out of every moment.

(For those that have not yet seen the video, here is the link: bit.ly/HIVpositive)

For those that would like to get in touch with me personal, please do. You can always contact me via email: manny.office@gmail.com

I love you all, and like the Great Tony Robins say, "Live with Passion!"
Manny Bombardier


1 comment:

Manny Bombardier said...

Here is one of the many emails that was sent to me from an HIV surviver. (Yes, he gave me permission to post this ;-)

Hi Manny,
First off I am pleased that your test came back negative. I know how you felt when you received the news that you needed to be tested then had to wait for the results. I went through the same scenario but my results came back positive. That was in 1989 and I found that I was infected the first time I had sex. Well needless to say I kept a positive attitude through the whole thing and I pursued my passion in life which is astronomy. Having the disease did make me open my eyes to see the beauty of our world and universe. In 2005 I found out I had jumped the fence and went full blown AIDS. I have a wonderful doctor and through his treatment and my positive attitude the virus is now undetectable in my system. Considering my friends at the time I was diagnosed are all dead now from the disease, I manage to look up and keep up with my lifes passion. So needless to say AIDS will not hold me back and rule my life =) Take a look at my myspace..... www.myspace.com/stargazertony and that will give you a peak into my life. Your video is very good and if it causes ONE person to think and use a condom saving them from this disease that can be added to your life achievments.

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